The Best Fall Boots You Need in Your Wardrobe

Sarah Flint Perfect Zip Bootie 70

The days are shorter, and the air is getting crisp, the colors of the trees are changing; it can only mean one thing: fall is here! When fall arrives, I get so excited because it is my favorite fashion season, and I start searching for the best fall boots you need in your wardrobe.

If you know my style, you know I am all about perfect quality and classics. I believe that you can come along way with quality classics in your wardrobe. I describe my style as classic with a twist, and I am a huge classic shoe lover. I looked for the perfect quality combined in an elegant model to search for the best fall boots.

Sharifa Samora Perfect Zip Bootie 70 Sarah Flint

What if I tell you that I found the best fall boots you need in your wardrobe, but in the form of a bootie (a half boot) and they have a heel. But they are still comfortable for your feet. That would be hard to believe, right?

Meet the Sarah Flint perfect zip bootie 70.

Sharifa Samora in Sarah Flint Perfect Zip Bootie 70 on a bench with a pleated skirt

Before we dive into all the goods about the best fall boots that I have found, I want to tell you a bit more about Sarah Flint!

Sarah Flint is a New York based shoe brand founded in 2013. Sarah Flint combines innovative technology with heritage Italian craftsmanship to create beautiful shoes from the outside and packed with comfort driven design from the inside.

It is a women-owned company that believes in style without sacrifice. The shoes are very classy and feminine. Sarah believes that every women deserves luxury and in order to make that more accessible the shoes are sold directly to the customer without charging the traditional retail markup.

Sarah Flint has quite a famous fanbase. Many well known style icons as Cindy Crawford, Meghan Markle or Amelle Clooney have been spotted in Sarah Flint shoes.

I am very excited to tell you that I have been selected to be part of the Sarah Flint Ambassadors program and will be able to share more with you about this beautiful brand.

Sharifa Samora Perfect Zip Bootie 70 Sarah Flint

Now that I have updated you about the Sarah Flint brand I would like to tell you more about the best fall boots you need in your wardrobe!

These booties come in different colors made of the most buttery Italian leather and have rubber thread underneath (shoe addicts will understand that this extra information is super important and saves you additional visits to the cobbler, thank you, Sarah Flint)

The perfect zip bootie 70 has an almond toe, extra padding (you immediately feel it when you have them on and your feet will thank you), and arch support. It has a 70 mm block heel that is very manageable for everyday wear (check out my Instagram I sometimes share them in my stories). As I said, the best fall boots you need in your wardrobe, also known as the perfect zip bootie. 

These booties do not require breaking in! I know many of you shoe lovers love that! Don’t you hate it when you bought a beautiful pair of boots, and you need to break them in! Not with these perfect zip booties!

As you know, I love classics and wardrobe staples, right? These booties are so versatile. You can see that I styled mine with a pleated skirt and with a shorter mini skirt in the pictures. The perfect zip bootie also goes very well with trousers or jeans. I don’t know what wouldn’t work with them.

Perfect Zip Bootie 70 styled with a mini skirt

Last but not least, can we please have a look at the zipper?! There are two zippers on each bootie! I think that is genius. Gone are the days that you struggle with one zipper, and they also give the booties a distinctive look. Best fall boots right now if you ask me!

Before I finish, I just wanted to let you know that since I am part of the Sarah Flint Ambassadors program, I can offer first time Sarah Flint customers a $50 discount on their order. Just click on this link, and I got you covered.

On top of that, Sarah Flint offers free international shipping for one week only from September 30th to October 7th!  

Thank you, Sarah Flint for gifting me these perfect booties!

By Sharifa